How to terminate your lease or rental contract ?

You are free to leave your accommodation whenever you want and without having to justify your decision. However, you are required to comply with a few obligations :

  • First of all: send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to your landlord, even if you have already discussed it with your landlord
  • Respect the notice period provided for in the rental agreement.
    This period starts from the day of the first presentation of the registered mail. It can be from 1 to 3 months depending on your lease contract
  • Authorize your landlord or his representative to show your accommodation with a view to its re-rental.
    Offer them in writing schedules for these visits (2 hours per day maximum), setting the days and hours of the visit.
  • Pay your rent and charges until your notice expires.
    The fact that you physically leave the premises before this date does not exempt you from this obligation.
  • One exception: if your landlord finds a tenant willing to sign a new lease, and only if this lease takes effect before the end date of your notice (if you know a friend interested in introducing him, now is the time!) .
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