8236 student or university accommodations in E.C.G Ecole en Communication Graphique
Cardinal Campus Azimut (8,0 km)
The AZIMUT residence is located in a quiet and residential area. The T2 Tram stop "Jacqueline Auriol" is less than 5 minutes walk fr… + infos
Rooms :
- studio |
- T1 Bis |
- T2 |
- T2 Coloc
Cardinal Campus Le Collège (8,4 km)
The residence is located near several types of shops: supermarket, post office, bakery, tobacco. A park is located in the direct vic… + infos
Rooms :
- studio |
- T1 |
- T1 Bis |
- T2
Les Estudines de Landy (0,3 km)
Near the city center of Saint-Ouen and close to many schools (ECG, CEESO, Ecole De Gestion Et De Commerce Paris Pleyel) this residen… + infos
Rooms :
- T1 |
- T1 Bis |
- T2
Les Estudines Victor Hugo (1,7 km)
Located between the Universities of Paris VII, Paris III, the National School of Commerce and near the Porte de Clichy, this residen… + infos
Rooms :
- T1 |
- T1 Bis
Les Estudines Sarah Bernhardt (2,2 km)
The residence of Estudines Sarah Bernhardt is located in the new district of Asnières, on the Quais de Seine, close to the RER C and… + infos
Rooms :
- T1
Les Estudines Paris Asnières (2,2 km)
The new student residence Les Estudines Paris Asnières offers you a dynamic and practical living environment for students. Located o… + infos
Rooms :
- T1 |
- T1 Bis
Studéa Paris Riquet (3,1 km)
Opening September 2021 This brand new residence is located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. A few steps from the metro (Riquet… + infos
Rooms :
- T1
All inclusive
Les Estudines Paris Batignolles (3,1 km)
A few steps from the Square des Batignolles and the Pont Cardinet (line 14 and transilien) and Brochant (line 13) metro stations, th… + infos
Rooms :
- T1 |
- T1 Bis |
- T2 |
- T4 Duplex
Studelites Le Rembrandt (3,4 km)
The residence Studelites Le Rembrandt is located near the city of sciences and industry, the district of Villette and the School of… + infos
Rooms :
- studio |
- studio-mezzanine |
- T2
Les Estudines Saint-Denis Basilique (3,4 km)
Close to the Stade de France, this residence offers furnished accommodation with private bathroom ranging from studios to two-room a… + infos
Rooms :
- T1 |
- T1 Bis |
- T2